Happy Holidays to you …


It may appear that we’ve been snoozing, but that’s far from the truth…. the editors have been busy. We are proud to announce that, while the editions of PrintPoetry are ever so fetching to look at and handle, and, yes, read, it is as a whole the Little Print Series that Can by which we mean to say SELL.

Two poets are now officially sold out.   And you’ll never guess who, so I’ll just tell you:

Sir Thomas Wyatt (500 years later, now there’s something to aspire to)

and dear Emily Dickinson. Less a surprise perhaps.

We are also introducing very handsome, themed packets which are available at the cost of their combined content.  You are free to compile them yourself or order pre-packaged. Currently these are, “Locals,” “Assorted Women Poets,” “The Classics,” “Ladies & Gents.”

Questions? Send us an e-mail.


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